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Southern Federation of Professional Fire Fighters Mission Statement

What is the Southern Federation of Professional Fire Fighters?

The Southern Federation of Professional Fire Fighters was organized in Nashville, TN on February 2, 1995.  The Southern Fed is currently comprised of the following 19 states: Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia.  Membership is allowed to any affiliate local or state association of the IAFF, as well as IAFF members at large. 

The Southern Federation of Professional Fire Fighters holds an Annual Conference in -which delegates of the organization attend.  The Conference includes educational modules, speakers and presentations that assist the delegates in accordance with our organizational purpose.   

The purpose of the Southern Federation of Professional Fire Fighters is to provide resources, service and communications to its affiliates; to develop a united effort and consensus of opinion with regards to the common concerns of the Southern Fed; to have a positive effect on the IAFF, its Constitution and By-laws, Policies and Resolutions.  The main goal of the Southern Federation is to obtain collective bargaining for all states.  The Executive Board of the Southern Fed has worked closely with the Executive Board of the IAFF to create a National Collective Bargaining Bill.  The Bill was previously brought to a vote in Washington, DC, but was narrowly defeated in the Senate back in 2010.

With an unfriendly congress being seated the following January, the IAFF and the Executive Board of the Southern Fed made the decision to hold any forward movement on national collective bargaining legislation.  The Southern Federation then changed gears to advocate for State and Local efforts to gain protections and benefits for their members.  The leadership of the Southern Federation petitioned the IAFF to provide training to our state and local leadership for specific training aimed at initiative petitions and referendums.

In 2015, the members of the Southern Federation determined that it was time for the IAFF to reintroduce a National Collective Bargaining Bill.   A motion was passed to initiate a resolution for the 53rd IAFF Convention in Las Vegas to make Collective Bargaining the IAFF’s number one legislative priority.  Resolution 38 was introduced and passed unanimously by the delegates at Convention. The leadership of the Southern Fed worked with IAFF staff to ensure that our members concerns were addressed in the language of the bill.  Currently, the National Collective Bargaining Bill has been introduced in Congress and is gaining additional sponsors in the House and Senate before being moved.

If you or your organization is a member of the IAFF and interested in membership or associate membership with this organization please contact SFPFF Secretary-Treasurer Barry Byers.

Barry Byers
Secretary-Treasurer - SFPFF


Page Last Updated: Mar 10, 2019 (11:18:22)
Southern Federation of Professional Fire Fighters
100 Arlington Avenue
Nashville, TN 37210

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